Wildlifes Welfare Carers inc.
Wildlife Welfare Carers Inc. Covers Darling Downs and surrounding areas
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What to do if you find an injuired or sick animal.

If it is a Bat or Snake. Please DON'T touch, call a wildlife carer immediatley.

Kangaroos, Wallabys etc

If you find a joey of any sort in the mothers pouch - even if it is cold, it could still be alive, don't pull it out of the pouch (especially if it's still attached to the teat),

If you are able to, wrap the mother in a blanket, sheet or tarp and put her into your car boot, for transport to a carer ASAP. 

If you are unable to transport the mother, you will have to remove the baby while leaving it still attached to the teat, 

To do, this place a Safety Pin through the teat as close as you can to the mother, also attach to the Safety Pin a pillow case, towel or what ever you are going to wrap the joey in,  cut the teat off the mother, behind the Safety Pin leaving the baby attached.  If your unable to do any of this please call a wildlife carer they will come and do this for you.


If you find a bird - place a towel in the bottom of a box, then place the bird inside and keep warm, dark and quiet.

If this is a Bird of Prey please call a wildlife carer immediatley. Please do not try to handle the birds as it's beak and talons are extreamly strong and can infilct injuries.


Found an echidna - Place in a plastic conatiner with air holes - don't warm as they need to stay cool. Contact a wildlife carer.

Everything else

Koala, reptiles and any other species - place them in a carry cage or box, keep warm, dark and quiet until you can call a wildlife carer

Alway remember with an animal it can be or can go into shock - keep warm (except for the echidna), dark and quiet. Then call a wildlife carer to get further instructions until you can deliver it or the carer can collect the animal.

Please Don't feed or water the animal - as if they are in shock or need surgery this can delay time.

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